Monday, September 27, 2010

HW 3 - Food - Fast Food Insights and Green Market Realizations

When we went out to observe different settings involving food, I didn't think I'd expect much, or at least anything new. But once we specifically stepped into a Mcdonalds and were asked to take notes on the different aspects of the fast food restaurant, I surprisingly had a lot to say.

First off, Mcdonalds to me seemed plain, yet colorful at the same time. I guess the design of it indoors had a purpose of attracting customers into coming and purchasing food. When looking at the people themselves, they seemed kind of sad, some were in a hurry and just wanted to come in and out, some stayed even after they were finished eating, as if this fast food joint had become their new SANCTUARY.

We then went to a Green market and it seemed somewhat different in my eyes. it was located outside, on what was a beautiful, sunny morning. There were many types of foods like fruits, vegetables, goodies, anything you could possibly think of. It was pretty packed with people looking around for something they'd think they enjoy eating. To me, I believe the setting of it being outside was what separated the Green market from that of the mood of setting of Mcdonalds.

This experience alone showed that food has a lot more affect on us than we think. People can either be happy and enjoy themselves with their different kinds of food outside, or they can become isolated indoors with food that quite frankly is a mystery in terms of where it has been.

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