Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects

Apparently you did a project about the birthing rituals that happen in India. Not only do people in America alone have different opinions on how birth should happen, many different cultures around the world have a variety of traditions as well.

It looks like you did a great job but im unable to read it from the computer and give you any kind of positive feedback. Visually, it looks like you did a good job.


You looked at the growing rate of C section procedures throughout the world, maily the U.S. and the largest C section rated country, China.

This topic is very important in terms of the subject of birth, as it is a now popular way of getting the baby out of the womb.

You seemed to have done good research and therefore were able to get really in depth with your topic. Good job!


Your project was aimed at the after effect, known as Post Partum Depression, which happens after the physical and mental drainage that takes place throughout pregnancy and the final moments of birth. Giving birth is truly a struggle for a woman, and some take more time than others to fully recover after the baby is finally born.

This topic is extreamly important because it shows how the effects of pregnancy dont necessarily leave the body with the baby and can stay for a couple of days afterwards or even longer than that. PPD is something very serious and is found in many other cases, such as within war veterans who suffered scary situations overseas.

This was truly an interesting project for me to read. You seemed to be really interested yourself in your topic, Good Job!

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