Sunday, December 19, 2010

HW 25 - Response to Sicko

I'm not that patriotic. But when it comes to the point of supporting my country, I'll go all out. I feel that America is the number one country in the whole world. We are the strongest, most united country and no other nation could ever bring us down. America is the land of the free, the home of the brave and this country takes very good care of it's people. However, Michael Moore's "Sicko" proves America definitly has some major gaps that need filling.

Apparently, United States healthcare is one of the worst in the wolrd, with just about FIFTY MILLION americans not having health insurance. WHAT?! It's sad but true, America is indeed struggling in the health department. There are many cases in which Americans don't get the treatment they need for themselves or loved ones, leading to unfortunate results.

A mother who was looking for treatment for her daughter was turned down due to her not having the proper insurance. Even in a serious state in which her daughter was in, the woman was still repeatly denied. After arguing back and forth, she brought her daughter to a hospital that would tend to her daughter, but it was too late, and the young girl died. Another disgraceful situation in where first responders from 9/11 are also turned down for needed treatments based uopn their lack of "proper healthcare".

This ridiculous way of health insurance has Ameircans having to change their lives just to survive mediacally. One woman traveled to Canada to "marry" her Canadian friend in order to get canadian healthcare(which is free) for her and her son. Another case sees a group of Americans being interviewed by film maker Michael Moore in France, where they permanently moved due to France also having beneficial healthcare.

After the release of "Sicko", Michael Moore and the film itself received huge negative reactions due to its apparent "screwing" of the U.S. However, thats only because whats in Moore's film is true. In fact, a father who was looking to get surgery for his daughters hearing, threatened his health insurance company and said he would exploit the company and its higher CEO. After some scary threats in the insurance company's eyes. they had a "change of heart" and decided to go ahead with the surgery, free of charge, how nice are they?

Overall, this movie had me pretty concerned about America and its healthcare system. This strong country, which I still proudly live in, is kind of letting me down on this topic. This is something that needs to get fixed right away because if not, I do believe that down the line, this could be a hypothetical reason in America having a hypothetical downfall.

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